Annotated Bibliographies
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This section of the Genetic Counseling Cultural Competence Toolkit includes several extensive annotated bibliographies.
1. This bibliography was developed in 2009 by our JEMF Project Team. The featured resources in this bibliography include cultural competence toolkits, cultural and spiritual assessment tools, information about health disparities, health literacy, national standards and legislation, specific cultural groups, language, interpretation and translation resources, as well as books and websites. JEMF GCCCT Bibliography
2. The second bibliography was developed by Jon Weil, Ph.D. Genetics, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco, California. Dr. Weil, an advisor to this project, is a well known leader and author in the fields of genetic counseling, clinical psychology and multiculturalism. Dr. Weil kindly gave us permission to post his
Please read Dr. Weil’s message below for further information about this comprehensive resource.
“This bibliographic EndNote database was started in 1996 to support the writing of my book, Psychosocial Genetic Counseling (Oxford University Press, 2000). I have subsequently added to it in the course of additional writing and other professional activities. The keywords were chosen and applied based on the topics I have worked on. Thus the list has expanded and evolved over time, and individual references may not have full keyword coverage.
There are the following three links. For those who do not have access to the EndNote program, there is a searchable pdf file of the titles of the entries in the database. For those who have access to the EndNote program, there is a Microsoft Word file with the list of keywords used in the EndNote database and the EndNote database file itself, which can be downloaded and used.
To optimize identifying relevant references I suggest the following:
"Peruse the list of keywords; identify all those that may be relevant; and use all of them in the Search References process.
Note that some keywords are abbreviations (e.g., ethnocultural is “e/c”; history (of genetic counseling) is “hx”. The search function is not case dependent. Connection files contain all the
information necessary for Thomson Reuters EndNote to search and import
references from an on-line database. |
Jon Weil Bibliography | Download Endnote file |
I hope this database will be useful. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact me at: -Jon Weil"
3. This bibliography was developed by Dr. Robert C. Like, MD, MS, Professor and Director, Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity, Department of Family Medicine, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Dr. Like is a leading figure in cultural competence education. Dr. Like kindly gave us permission to share the comprehensive and current compendium of cultural competence education resources that he compiled.
Please review Dr. Like's Center for Healthy Families website for periodically updated references/resources and articles.
Dr. Like also gave us permission to post several of his articles on our website. The first article is an interview with Dr. Like on the topic of cultural competence in health care published in Focus on Multicultural Healthcare Vol 3, no.4, 12.07. The second article was prepared for CME credit, on Educating Physicians to Provide Culturally Competent, Patient Centered Care, which was published in Perspectives: A View of Family Medicine in, Vol 7, Issue 2, Summer 2008.
4. The following bibliographies are provided with permission by Dr. Sandra Cornett, Director, AHEC Clear Health Communication Program at
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Resources about health literacy & plain language:
The featured website resources include those that are considered the most useful and practical for practitioners to learn about health literacy and plain language. Several of these websites include self-directed learning modules for continuing education credits. This list is updated at least annually and is provided by Dr. Cornett.
Resources on easy-to-read health materials:
It is difficult at times to find website health care materials that are easy-to-read for patients and families. The website resources listed here have been reviewed, are from credible sites, and contain health care materials that, for the most part, are easy-to-read and meet plain language standards. However, not all of these sites have materials that are below the 8th grade reading level of difficulty. This list is updated at least annually by Dr. Cornett.